Meet Colleen Final Photo.jpg

Hi! My name is Colleen and welcome to Purposefully Placed!

Thank you for visiting my page and for considering me for your home and office organizing needs.

I was born and raised here in Bergen County, NJ. Growing up here was wonderful. My parents gave my sister and me a loving home, a good education, the opportunities to be active and a community where we developed great friendships. I met my husband here and we went to college together, got married, lived in New York City for a few years and five years ago settled back here in Bergen County to start a family, which now consists of two beautiful children and a Golden Retriever.

I love to organize! As a child, I loved to line up my toys, organize them and then reorganize them. I was the child who took my time unwrapping presents, making sure not to rip the paper. In school, classes that involved space awareness like geometry and organizational management were always classes I excelled in. I have a knack for it and love to get my hands on projects that need organizing because I love the process and know the end result is so worthwhile.

Becoming a professional organizer is a dream come true. I love the opportunities to work in spaces and create systems that work for my clients. I don’t mind a mess, because I love the process of organizing the space to prevent future messes that can get out of control. It’s the best feeling to have an organized space for your belongings so that they can best serve their purpose and free you to stop searching and start living!